In "Echoes of Innocence," Daniel Pratt delivers a poignant five-song EP that delves into the intricacies of love, spirituality, and self-exploration. The journey begins with "Greatest Theft," exploring the divine act of God stealing human hearts. "Magic" candidly examines the quest for God through the haze of narcotics, highlighting the struggle for connection. "Thorns on the Leaf" reflects on a mature love that has shed its initial frills, embracing authenticity and depth. Pratt's thoughtful lyrics continue in "Sigh and Weep," where he poses profound questions about the nature of love and faith. Concluding with "Willow Tree," the EP expresses a heartfelt plea for remembrance despite straying from belief. With its rich storytelling and emotional resonance, "Echoes of Innocence" captures the essence of personal growth and the complexities of the human experience, leaving a lasting impression on its listeners.